Bespoke Private Label designs are given to me in many cases with an extremely basic brief and on many an occasion even without a workable logo. With an urgency to develop concepts on the fly, designs are rapidly created with timing dependent on the complexity and the quality of any graphic elements supplied. My first step is to gather any other relavent elements online, to quickly research the brand and establish branding, type styles, colour palette, any related imagery, the brands USP and any other information that may be of any use and that may assist me in developing the right tone and style.
My primary objective is to enhance the clients brand and message in the best way and if possible establish a link with the contents. The right design should induce interest or enhance brand loyalty and clearly promote the client's brand. I usually insert the Client details and QR and include any competing facts or information. Generally after submission of one or more design concepts there would be approval after one or two amendments or additional detail that was not originally received. I usually achieve a high rate of success at first submission.
I was afforded scant information about this transport client and therefore chose to develop the design concept around the image and livery of one of their vehicles which I believe has been successfully refelcted in the design from type style to colour and graphics.
If you have a creative project or photography assignment in mind, then please feel free to contact me. I'd love to hear from you and discuss how we could work together and within your budget. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to exceed your expectations. 

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